воскресенье, 11 декабря 2011 г.

Gyaru party [ "京都 初 Luxury Party" ]

Approaching a new party gyaru "京都 初 Luxury Party"
Which will come true on December 11.
There should be interesting, because if I understood correctly what color clothing to beat pink. It will be so nice.
Models which can be see
TV "关 西 魂"
magazine "MEN'S KNUKLE"
magazine "Yukai"

P.S I want to be there ((

четверг, 8 декабря 2011 г.

Made by Kanako Kawabata

Kanako Kawabata, in collaboration with the brand Jupiter&Juno created a collection of handbags, cosmetic bags, mirrors ...

It is so wonderful<3 I want the set of things made by Kanako. And what you think about collection by Kanako ?